It’s our seventh year on the Internet and we wish to start it off with an important renewal of both presentation and information, multiplying the number of images so as to facilitate the understanding of the different alterations we treat.
We maintain the ambitious idea of being “the Plastic Surgery consultation manual” of both Aesthetics and Repairing surgery, easy to understand and serious in content, which should help those people, who want to undergo an operation to correct a problem related to physical appearance, either facial or corporal, decide. Nothing has such a negative influence on a person’s development as his/her appearance, or his/her belief of being or not being attractive. Believing ourselves to be different, we feel unsure and rejected. It disrupts our ability to deal with people and can reach pathological levels.
We also hope to contribute to a better understanding and valuation of Plastic Surgery for its enormous contribution to people’s well being, who through its help, can be happier.
The information is mainly based on our own experience and, logically, it cannot be individually applied (as if it were a recipe) but only used as guide and general information that the patient must contrast with his/her own surgeon. We have excellent plastic surgeons in Spain and an association that groups us, the Spanish Society of Plastic, Repairing and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE, in Spanish).
Don’t trust marketing campaigns (medical ethos doesn’t allow it) or those who practice plastic surgery without being a surgeon.